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Это все что знаю. Promod 4.22 Changes.
Compared to 4.21:
- Fixed a Shoucaster glitch where you can choose a team after spectatign and still ahve showEnemies on
- Perk icons on spawn are no longer visible
- Added a slightly delay before round ends
- You can no longer kill after the bomb is defused (during the delay between rounds), neither can you kill when everyone has ready up (when it fades to grayscale)
- Fixed ready up bug where you could be killed if you switched team, also the kill-counter wont count suicides
- Removed rank-icon on scoreboard
- Fixed Attack/Defence when using team say
- Tweaked ready-up HUD
- Plant bob bug fixed (Again!)
- Full bright forced off
- More commands added to the black list (Lodscalerigide etc..)
- Server will display error when promod isn't in the correct folder (Stop IWD mismatch)